Mangrove Rehabilitation
Mangrove Rehabilitation
Revegetating with mangrove species is just one of Revegetation Contractors’ specialist skills as an ecoagricultural contractor.
Revegetation Contractors was commissioned to perform the preliminary revegetation works at the Ross Island, Ten Terminal site.
The works involved direct transplanting of saltmarsh, mangrove and dune species. Plant material was sourced from settling ponds on site and replanted successfully into the bund walls. Prior to conducting the works, Revegetation Contractors conducted a number of trials to ensure marine mangrove planting could be carried out successfully on the site.
The company has undertaken additional revegetation works, which involved further planting of bund walls, mangrove propagation and transplantation, hydromulching and weed management.
Revegetating with marine species is a specialist skill, and it was necessary to conduct some trial work at Ross Island, before, during and after photographs.
Larger areas of the site have been revegetated since the successful trial establishment.