Tree Planting
Tree Planting
Tree Planting is an important technique of eco-agriculture, revegetation, and rehabilitation. Revegetation Contractors currently produces plants through its nursery in Townsville and plants in excess of 100,000 trees per year, in addition to fruit and fodder trees planted on the Burdekin River Pastures’ properties. Revegetation Contractors plant trees with both a mechanical tree planter and with teams of trained planters.
Tree Planting is suitable for a wide range of environments, including mine sites, vegetation buffers, subdivisions and creek restorations.
Site Preparation
Initially, Revegetation Contractors conducts a soil analysis to determine the chemical and physical properties of the soil. Revegetation Contractors also prepares the site to ensure it is free of competitive grasses. In the tropics, competition is the greatest factor effecting tree establishment. Successful tree planting requires careful selection of the species to be planted in the particular area. Cross ripping the soil prior to planting trees aids plant establishment.
All tree planting projects benefit from some form of maintenance watering. Revegetation Contractors recommends at least one follow up maintenance check to address any “stress problems” the plants may experience due to lack of water or competition from grasses.
Tree Planting provides immediate vegetation cover and allows for the establishment of species that are difficult to germinate through direct seeding techniques.