Virocells are suited to a range of sites and conditions. Their cost advantage allows plantings of large numbers in buffers and screen planting projects. They have been effectively used in major landscaping, road verge, mining rehabilitation wetlands, bush regeneration and environmental enhancement projects.
Site Preparation
It is always best to prepare the bed prior to planting. Hard or compacted soils require tyning or cultivation for the best results. Undisturbed soils require little attention. In all cases, the removal of competitive species is required, especially weeds or competitive grasses.
Virocells can be installed manually or, where large numbers are required, mechanical planting is very effective as it allows fertilizer and moisture retainers to be combined with the planting.
Virocells provide many benefits. They are cost effective, both at a unit cost and also the installation cost.
Also, their unique shape allows the successful establishment of a wide range of native grasses and shrubs.